Hearing Tests
At Logan and Brigham Hearing Zone, we provide comprehensive hearing tests. Here’s what to expect at one of our evaluations:
- Before your hearing test starts, we will ask you a few questions about your medical history. We’re also interested in the different types of environments where you may experience hearing loss and hearing problems.
- Then we will use an otoscope to examine your ears. The instrument is used to assess whether or not your ear canal is obstructed by earwax.
The next step is to chart your hearing with an audiogram. This will help us determine:
- Whether you have a hearing loss
- The degree and configuration of the hearing loss
- Available treatment options that will be customized for your specific hearing needs.

Tinnitus is defined by sounds in one or both ears, which can only be detected by the person affected. People experience sounds like ringing, crickets, buzzing, hissing and many other sensations. Some people only hear these sounds when it is quiet while others can hear them all of the time. Tinnitus can be found with or without the presence of hearing loss. Tinnitus affects people differently and can cause mild to severe irritation.
We run tests to rule out possible medical conditions that may cause the tinnitus. If medical red flags are found we will refer you to an Ear Nose and Throat Specialist. While there is no single cure for tinnitus, often we can provide treatment that can help to minimize the effects of tinnitus in your life.

Hearing Aid Repair
Even if you care for your hearing aids and maintain them properly, eventually they will wear out through normal use.
While in some cases the best solution may be to replace your damaged hearing aids, there are some repairs that can be done if you have issues with one or both of your devices. Many repairs can be done in our office while you wait. A quote of the exact price will be given if a hearing aid needs to go to the factory.
Most of our hearing aids come with a three year warranty. This includes unlimited factory repairs and 1 time loss replacement with a deductible.

Custom Hearing Protection
Long-term exposure to loud noises or even brief loud noise exposure can cause permanent damage to the ears such as tinnitus. If your job or leisure activity exposes you to loud noises, think about getting some custom earplugs.
Whether you are a musician, recreational shooter or construction worker, ear protection can help. We also fit custom swim plugs.

Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) are personal devices that can help you connect in one-to-one interactions as well as in a group.
There are many types of ALDs for people with hearing loss. Some of them are built to use in public areas such as schools, theaters, places of worship and airports. Certain varieties are intended for private use in intimate environments and one-on-one conversations.
An example of how you could use this type of device is to interact with a family member at a big family event. Your family members speak into the microphone, and the sound is transferred wirelessly to your hearing aid. These devices help improve the speech to noise ratio during those crucial moments.
Some ALD’s work with hearing aids while others work independently of them. They include:
- Amplified telephones and alarm clocks
- Smart wireless microphones
- Amplified fire alarms
- Wireless television links to hearing aids.